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Sawmill Teeth

Sawmill Teeth is a fictional creature that first appeared in the novel “The Sawmill” by Stephen King. The character was created to represent the fear of losing one’s job due to economic downturns and technological advancements.
The Sawmill Teeth are said to be small, gray creatures with sharp teeth that resemble those of a sawmill. They have been sighted throughout North America, particularly in areas where there has been significant unemployment or job loss.
According to legend, if you see Sawmill Teeth on your property at night, it means that someone is about to lose their job. If they do not leave quickly enough, the creature will attack them, biting off chunks of flesh until they bleed out.
Despite its reputation as a malevolent entity, some people believe that seeing Sawmill Teeth can also bring good fortune. For example, if a person loses their job but finds another one soon afterward, they may say they’ve seen Sawmill Teeth to show that their luck is still good.
In conclusion, while Sawmill Teeth is often associated with negative events such as job loss, it can also symbolize positive change and new opportunities for those who encounter them.